Since my boyfriend broke up with me two weeks ago I'm really having a very sad time. First of all, I'm in shock, like blocked, can't think or react to what is going on. I barely sleep by night-- the whole thing looks very unfair to me. So I told my friends: "please, don't let me alone with my thoughts". The only good thing about this situation is that I've discovered that I have really good friends. Everybody have been very supportive. And everybody is trying to help.
My friend D told me last week- "don't worry Albert, I'm taking you to Chueca on Friday and we are gonna party all-night long!!!". D is a very good friend, and obviously is just doing his best to help me. It's just-- I don't want to party. I'm bored of Madrid. I truly feel this city has nothing more to offer me. Since their 16th birthday (sometimes even earlier) madrilenios are encouraged to drink alcohol in the streets and hang out every weekend from midnight until 6 or 7 am. Not joking, I promise this is true. I don't mind party sometimes, but there's many more things I want to do. I don't recall the last time a madrilenio told me: "let's go to theme park to ride roller coasters", or "let's go camping" or "let's go to the zoo". No, everything here is about clubbing and drinking. I really believe this night culture thing is not healthy. I'm bored of getting in clubs to do nothing: can't have a conversation- the music is always too loud; can't dance, the music is always terrible. So what I am supposed to do, stand up there and look at everybody from over my shoulder? That's so not me. I'm a nice guy- I like to talk to people. I really don't want to party anymore-- I want to do better in life! I want to travel the world! I want to go back to Japan and also explore China. I want to return to California and visit the movie studios in LA. I want to swim with dolphins at Discovery Code (Orlando). I want to go to a safari in Kenya. I want to meet poets, actors, politicians, enterpreneurs. There's a beautiful world out there to be explored!- don't waste your life in a sordid club.
Picture: me with some Japanese girls I met in Tokyo (2003).
I disagree: not everything is about clubbing in this city...what about football?
ResponderEliminarAlbert, some of us have truely enjoyed Madrid's nightlife, and even though it was great but a while... we moved on. Nowadays, my weekend nights involve less alcohol. We go for a movie or hang out with some friends at someone's place. Chatting, laughing, playing board games... Do I sound like my grandma?
ResponderEliminarOf course, I still go to the RHPS once a week, which takes place in a bar, but I'm there for the show, not for the free beer.
Muchos ánimos y un abrazo (no te desharás de mí tan fácilmente).