Gone too soon, that was the tittle of one of his most beautiful songs. And yes he has gone too soon. I can't believe that Michael Jackson passed away last Thursday. When I was a kid my dream was to meet him. I never had that chance but the time when I was closest to him was in 1992 when I went to a concert of his "Dangerous" tour. It was spectacular! Best concert I have ever been to! Since then I was hoping to see him back on stage. In 1998 I had another chance. I could have gone to his concert or to an economy exam at my college. I wanted to be a good student so went to class and took the test. I failed. Oh I wish I would have gone to the concert.
domingo, 28 de junio de 2009
Gone too soon
Gone too soon, that was the tittle of one of his most beautiful songs. And yes he has gone too soon. I can't believe that Michael Jackson passed away last Thursday. When I was a kid my dream was to meet him. I never had that chance but the time when I was closest to him was in 1992 when I went to a concert of his "Dangerous" tour. It was spectacular! Best concert I have ever been to! Since then I was hoping to see him back on stage. In 1998 I had another chance. I could have gone to his concert or to an economy exam at my college. I wanted to be a good student so went to class and took the test. I failed. Oh I wish I would have gone to the concert.
sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009
Not quite bad for the first six years!!!
I am currently running an American English school in Madrid. I remember when I opened the first center, it was just me. I taught the classes, I designed the publicity, I cleaned the place... I did everything through endless working hours. Well, when you have a business that's what you have to do.
domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009
Best TV shows ever!!! - (according to Albert)
viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009
Let's cheer up for the girls!!! - a tribute to Bea Arthur
There's no doubt that "The Golden Girls" is one of my favorite TV shows. I started watching it when I was a kid, but those third age ladies really made a connection with me. I remember how sweet Rose was, how smart Dorothy was, the ironic sense of humor of Sophia and Blanche, well, what can I say about Blanche :)
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009
Carta para mi muy querida Angelica (en español)
Pronto pasaste de ser la hermana de uno de mis mejores amigos a mi amiga. No te costó nada. Como no te costaba nada hacer que la gente se encariñase de ti, todos queríamos un poco de tu vitalidad y dulzura.
Hoy todos los momentos que tuve la suerte de compartir contigo vienen a mi. Recuerdo cuando, durante las pasadas elecciones municipales, te encontraste con Pedro Zerolo por la calle. Tu te presentaste a él y ni corta ni perezosa le ayudaste a pegar carteles de Trinidad Jiménez. Hoy he descubierto que uno de esos carteles decoraba tu habitación.
Cuando quería verte, ya sabía a donde ir. A la cantina de COGAM. Allí estabas con dos de tus tres pasiones: un libro y Loli. Erais inseparables, jamás vi a dos personas tan enamoradas. Y vuestro amor era del que nos daba esperanzas. Siempre que alguien decía que las parejas del mismo sexo no duraban mucho tiempo, yo, os ponía como ejemplo de lo contrario.
Tu tercera pasión era tu hermano Abraham, a quien endulzaste sus 19 años, y junto con Loli y tus padres, la persona que más te quería en este mundo. Siempre estaba hablando de ti con orgullo, nos contaba como eras, que si habías hecho esto, lo otro, o lo de más allá. Hoy sigue hablando de ti con más orgullo que nunca. Le mandaste un mensaje al móvil mientras celebrábamos su cumpleaños, hoy he descubierto que en tu mesa tenías un calendario con el mío señalado. Y eso me ha hecho sentirme muy feliz.
Me acostumbré a verte a menudo, y por eso nunca te dije lo que sentía por ti. Como todos los días vemos a personas que queremos y no las decimos que las queremos. Pues yo te quería Angélica, me encantaba estar contigo compartiendo nuestras ilusiones y proyectos. Me sentía inmensamente felíz al verte abrazada a Loli y haciendo reír a Abraham. Todavía no he aceptado que la próxima vez que vaya a la reunión del Grupo de Jóvenes de COGAM tu no estarás en la cantina para abrazarme, para contarme como te ha ido la semana o para hablarme del libro que estabas leyendo. Me siento muy orgulloso de ser tu amigo y cada día descubro cosas nuevas de ti. Hoy sé que disfrutabas escuchando la música de Ismael Serrano, y Angélica, Ismael ha firmado tu guitarra. Cada día te conozco más, cada día todos te sentimos más cerca y cada día nos sentimos más afortunados por el tiempo que pasamos juntos.
PD- Cinco años depués Loli sigue hablando de Angélica
...y prometo reenviaros todos los emails! (en español)
miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009
Please look at this pictures- What can you see? I see fear, I see horror, I see pain. The boys in the picture where only 17 years old. They where a couple, they where in love, they where probably experimenting with some of the beautiful things that life brings you: falling in love, holding hands, kissing.
miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009
The Munsters- one of the best sitcoms ever
When I was a kid I remember waking up early every Saturday morning to watch "The Munsters" on TV. I didn't care that the show was in black and white or from the 60's. I was so attracted by that family- I recall the glamour of Lilly, Marilyn (the normal one, well, not according to Herman!), Eddy- the little werewolf and most of all the great comedy couple, the fantastic connection between Fred Gwynee (Herman) and Al Lewis (Grandpa Munster). While I was watching the show my grandma used to prepare a ham-cheese-tomato sandwich for me as breakfast. And as a kid I couldn't be happier.
lunes, 13 de abril de 2009
Mi primer Lunes (en español)
domingo, 12 de abril de 2009
so I guess I'm a mac
I got my first PC when I was 15. Oh boy- I was so excited!!! a brand new HP with Windows 3.1 and a printer. Since then I've been using PC and Windows. Until last year-- as you know I run an American-English school called George Washington School of English and every month we send a newsletter to our students. We had an antivirus installed in all our equipments, but don't know how, we sent a virus with our newsletter. Guess what? a lot of our students where upset. And I didn't know what to do.
sábado, 11 de abril de 2009
Moving on and trying to fulfill some dreams
lunes, 6 de abril de 2009
Let's party all night!!!
Since my boyfriend broke up with me two weeks ago I'm really having a very sad time. First of all, I'm in shock, like blocked, can't think or react to what is going on. I barely sleep by night-- the whole thing looks very unfair to me. So I told my friends: "please, don't let me alone with my thoughts". The only good thing about this situation is that I've discovered that I have really good friends. Everybody have been very supportive. And everybody is trying to help.
What a difference a dog makes
When I was a kid I really wanted a dog, but never got one. Many years later my former boyfriend told me he wanted one. In the beginning I didn't like the idea. I'm a very independent person, love to travel worldwide and I thought a dog would be a big responsability that would change my lifestyle. One day we went to visit his aunt, who's dog had puppies recently. One of the puppies approached my former boyfriend and didn't separate from him the whole afternoon. "We've got a dog"- I thought. We agree to keep the dog for a week, if after having him for seven days we would have changed our minds, we could have give it back. But how could have give back such a beautiful thing. He followed me everywhere, he slept with me. After a day I was very happy to have him. When I was born my parents thought about giving me the name of Oscar, after Irish writer Oscar Wild. Then my mum thought it was a name for dogs (although I never met a dog named Oscar) and changed it to Albert. That's why I named our dog- Oscar. I have wonderful memories of him: one day he was attacked by a duck and came crying to me, other day he felt into a lake when he was chasing me. I'm a very goofy person, and Oscar became a very goofy dog (yes, dogs tend to behave like their humans). Later came the second dog, we were feeling so sad leaving Oscar alone every time we would go to work that my former boyfriend decided to get another dog so Oscar could play while we were out.
domingo, 5 de abril de 2009
Walking down Castro Street
The year was 2001, but I'm still thinking about Castro St. Right now I'm miles away from there. I'm sitting by myself in a fashionable cafe in Chueca, Madrid's GLBT area. But eight years later I'm still thinking about Castro St. I remember walking down the street in November 2001, it was sunny, I was so young, so fresh, so bright, so full energy, my entire life was ahead of me and I had so many dreams and projects to realize. There was a big smile on my face. Yes, that was the first day of my life when I walked by myself through Castro St. I still remember the blue shirt I was wearing (yes, in those days everything was Tommy Hilfiger).